Directed Reading Program of the Mathematics Department
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Home Expectations Projects How to Apply

For Mentees:

Each DRP project will be tailored to the undergraduate and graduate pair. This means that the specifics will depend heavily on what you and your mentor decide at the beginning of the semester. There are, though, a few baseline expectations for undergraduate particpants: The baseline expectations amount to 3 hours a week (2 hours of independent work and a 1 hour meeting with your mentor). On the other hand, you will get out of this project what you put in! The excited and motivated student may wish to spend more than 2 hours a week working independently and mentors are likely willing to schedule additional meetings.

For Mentors:

You are expected to assist undergraduate students with everything described above (including the presentation). Reading the mentee expectactions should give you a good idea of what is expected of you. In total, this should not amount to much more than an hour or two a week. As a mentor, you will be expected to: